Planning and monitoring tools

  • Manual: Yes
  • Developed by: Deltares
  • Web Site:
  • In “Documentation” you can find the Guide step by step

alt It is an adaptation support tool to explore climate change adaptation measures in an urban area. The tool allows the user to select an urban area, to draw adaptation options for flooding, drought and urban heat on a map, to compare adaptation options with regard to their effectiveness, and to calculate the distance to a pre-determined target. It is especially useful in stakeholder group meetings, and can be run on a touch table. Documentation is included in the tool. The adaptation support tool was originally developed in the Climate KIC Blue Green Dream project and has been further developed by Deltares and will be maintained with support of the Dutch government. It has been tested in various cities including Berlin, London, Paris, and several Dutch cities.

  • Manual: Yes
  • Developed by: Deltalliance
  • Web Site:
  • Tool description here

alt The app, which is available on tablet (high-end smartphone) and PC, includes 120 concrete climate adaptation measures. Users can filter these measures by choosing criteria on climate adaption target and local conditions like soil type, land use, landscape conditions and user preferences. The app then ranks the 120 measures on their total score, based on the selected criteria. This information can be used as information and inspiration in a new development, redevelopment or renovation project. Because of the simple and fast results, it is possible to apply the app in workshops and training settings to explore different climate change adaptation measures.

  • Manual: Yes
  • Developed by: LIFE UrbanPRoof
  • Web Site:
  • Manual available in “Useful material” - User Manual (see II Stage).

alt The URBANPROOF toolkit is a powerful decision support system aimed to enable better informed decision making for climate change adaptation planning. In specific, the user is guided though the different features of the toolkit in order to gain insight into the climate change impacts to the urban environment, to explore and evaluate the available adaptation options and to investigate the effect of adaptation interventions in increasing climate change resilience.The tool has been developed in the frame of the LIFE URBANPROOF project “Climate Proofing Urban Municipalities” which is co-financed by the LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Action (2014-2020).The tool currently may be used for conducting an impact and adaptation assessment for every urban municipality in Italy, Greece and Cyprus. Higher resolution data are provided in the cases of the municipalities of Reggio Emilia (Italy), Peristeri (Greece) and Strovolos and Lakatamia (Cyprus) which are partners of the LIFE URBANPROOF project.The toolkit consists of 5 interdependent modules/stages. The second stage :Impact assessment is available for all Italian urban municipalities.

  • Manual: Yes
  • Developed by: WHO Europe
  • Web Site:
  • The manual is available on the same link.

alt AirQ+ includes methodologies to assess the impacts of short- and long-term exposure to ambient air pollution. The main methodologies use evidence generated by epidemiological cohort studies showing a relationship between average long-term air pollution concentration levels and the mortality risks in exposed populations. Assessing the impact of air pollution is suggested when evaluating the consequences of policies and interventions or of hypothetical scenarios. AirQ+ should always be used with the support of an epidemiologist or air pollution impact assessment expert. To facilitate users in their analyses, AirQ+ comes with manuals that require increasing levels of expertise. This manual shows how to install, run and perform simple analyses with AirQ+ to introduce users to some of the software’s features. For example, users can calculate the attributable proportion of adverse health impacts estimated to occur due to exposure to a specific level of air pollution in a given population for a certain time period. This is used to estimate the number of attributable cases due to air pollution.

alt It is a practical tool for the economic assessments of the health effects (a) from cycling and (b) from walking.
This simple, online tool is intended for a wide variety of professionals working in the field of transport, walking, cycling or the environment. It facilitates population-wide assessment, translating the effects of active mobility measures into a quantitative evidence-based, evaluation. The tool can be used in a number of different situations, for example:

  • when planning a new piece of cycling or walking infrastructure.
  • to value the reduced mortality from past and/or current levels of cycling or walking.
  • to provide input into more comprehensive economic appraisal exercises, or prospective health impact assessments.

HEAT calculates the answer to the following question: if x people cycle or walk y distance on most days, what is the economic value of mortality rate improvements?
A guidance book and summary address practitioners and experts, focusing on approaches to the economic valuation of positive health effects related to cycling and walking.
HEAT can be applied in many situations, for example:

  • to plan a new piece of cycling or walking infrastructure: it models the impact of different levels of cycling or walking, and attaches a value to the estimated level when the new infrastructure is in place;
  • to value the mortality benefits from current levels of cycling or walking, such as benefits from cycling or walking to a specific workplace, across a city or in a country;
  • to provide input into more comprehensive cost–benefit analyses, or prospective health impact assessments: for instance, to estimate the mortality benefits from achieving national targets to increase cycling or walking, or to illustrate potential cost consequences of a decline in current levels of cycling or walking.

This is the tutorial prepared by the Joint SECAp Project for the Assessment of Risks and Vulnerability, in application of the Methodology. The attached tutorial explains step by step the operations to be done.